Fast Forward Fundraiser Compilation 2
We are proud to finally be releasing our second fundraiser compilation, available from today via our webshop.
The following Fast Forward artists have contributed tracks to the digital compilation, where 100% of the proceeds from the coming year will be donated to the organisation
TransAktion, whose purpose is to improve trans people’s health, rights and well-being in Denmark.
After the first year, all sales of the compilation will go to another project of our choice.
1. Sugar - Dont Hurry, Be Snappy
2. Funeral Future - Flash
3. Ezy - Die Anyway
4. Peachlyfe - Changeable As In Liquid
5. Repro - Little Star
6. Schacke & Sugar - Den Lange
7. Vixen - Samodiva
8. Schacke - Temple Of Ignorance
9. Repro & Sugar - Gleaming Apparition
10. Rune Bagge - Shatter The Perfect Design
Mastered by Joel Krozer at Six Bit Deep
Artwork and Graphics by Björt Dánialsdóttir
Listen to the tracks here:
TransAktion has written the statement below, which reflects on issues they face as an organisation and community:
TransAktion is an organization for and by trans people. We are based in Denmark. We work with a depathologizing, devictimizing, norm-critical and intersectional approach and with a broad and inclusive definition of trans. We believe in the importance of trans-led initiatives for trans people and we actively work to ensure representation and prioritization of the most marginalized trans people in our communities in all aspects of the organization and our work. We are committed to creating social justice for trans people and to building, strengthening and lifting our communities by doing individual counselling, support groups, social platforms and community-building.
During the COVID-19 pandemic and the Danish government’s response to it, we’ve seen our communities affected in a variety of ways. First of all, the lockdown and ban on gathering have deeply worsened the isolation and loneliness that so many in our communities already experience. We have responded to this by reorganizing as much of our work as possible to be online, which means that we have been doing one-on-one counselling online as well as organizing recurring virtual hangouts and workshops. Second of all, we are observing that the pandemic is exacerbating the long-term deprioritization, discrimination, invisibilization and pathologization of trans people in our society in general and within the healthcare system specifically.
During the first phase of the lockdown, all “non-essential” healthcare areas were closed down without further notice or information about when it would potentially reopen - including trans-specific healthcare. This means that the already extremely long waiting lists are now longer, information and explanations are less or non-existent, appointments for assessment, follow-up and surgeries are being postponed and there is a shortage of certain hormones.
This has serious effects on our communities causing severe levels of anxiety and depression among trans people, which adds to the pressure created by the pandemic and to the discrimination and isolation trans people already experience. The pandemic has thus aggravated the already long and slow, pathologizing, paternalizing, anxiety-provoking and at times traumatizing treatment process many trans people experience within the Gender Identity Clinics in Denmark. This underscores the urgency to keep depathologizing transness and continue the work to ensure bodily autonomy and self-determination for trans people, including access to trans-specific healthcare based only on informed consent as well as the abolishment of the treatment monopolies, the gatekeeping and the psychiatric assessment within trans-specific healthcare.
We are especially worried about the effects the pandemic and the governments (necro)politics have on the most marginalized people in our communities - young trans people who are forced to isolate with unsupportive and hostile relatives and who thus often experience even more surveillance from parents, BIPoCs who are experiencing even more racism - combined with increasing anti-Black violence and murder, people incarcerated in asylum camps whose safety and health is not being prioritized, migrants who are losing their jobs, and therefore possibly their residence permits, homeless trans people who experience ever more hostility in the streets and inaccessibility to services and shelters, trans crips/people living with disabilities whose lives are being disregarded and sex workers who work under far riskier conditions.
Lastly, due to the decades-long deprioritization, pathologization and discrimination of trans people - especially those who are also marginalized due to other structural oppressions - we are terrified that trans people’s lives will not be valued, prioritized and saved during the pandemic.
We will continue to fight for social justice for trans people and to create and care for our communities. This also means continuing to prioritize our work in collaboration with other social justice movements who are dismantling anti-Blackness and racism, ableism, cis-heteropatriarchy and capitalism.
TransAktion SoMe channels:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransAktion
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/transaktionnu/
Contact: info@trans-aktion.dk