4 Years of Fast Forward
4 years of Fast Forward, and we are now looking back at 40+ raves and concerts, a huge community of supporters and collaborators (built around and shaped by our amazing volunteers), an agency with 16 of the best producers and DJs the Copenhagen techno scene has to offer, and most importantly a constant push to promote a new way of raving which has sprung from a continued effort to try to create safer spaces at the venues we use; sexism, racism, homophobia and transphobia will not be tolerated !
To celebrate the last four years, we have invited a good selection of dear friends and amazing DJs:
Anetha - (Mama told ya, OAKS, Blocaus Series)
D.Dan - (Amninote Editions, KAOS, Mala Junta)
SUGAR - Fast Forward - (Euromantic, Kulør, Mama told ya)
DJ TOOL - (Mala Junta, Fast Forward Productions)
Ida Engelhardt - (BunkerBauer, Fast Forward Productions)
2nd November 2019
KPH Volume, Enghavevej 80
See you in the dark ???
RA link: https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1322681
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/551876895549992/
Fast Forward Productions was formed the winter of 2015 as a new take on DIY rave culture. With a focus on social engagement, and by using activists from the local community to help make the events come to life, Fast Forward actively focuses in creating safer spaces at the venues we use; sexism, racism, homophobia and trans-phobia will not be tolerated.